While literature has never been the major focus of educationalists at the secondary school, first year students of English at university find themselves obliged to thoroughly study such a course. Thus, it is important for first year undergraduate students to be initiated to the world of English literature through familiarization with literary language, comprehension of literary texts, and knowledge about different literary genres - perquisites to proper literary analysis and interpretation.

This handout is meant to present literature through a comprehensive approach as part of larger modular structures, where study time is rationed, and where the ability to see an academic field as a whole, and connect it with other ones, is very important.  The twenty-eight lectures, of this handout, which makeup the first-year undergraduate yearly content, lasting one hour and half each, alternate theoretical presentation of information and classroom as well as study questions.

This handout is designed to help first year undergraduate students of English to make a start with the mechanics of literature, to read and appreciate text belonging to different literary genres in English  literature , and  also  to place literature in the context of a wider process of learning. The aim of this course is to engage students during the course, help them widen their knowledge about English literature, and provide thorough and comprehensive information helpful to read and write academically about literature. The handout functions an accessible guide for first year students of English while  grounding literature and the study of literature throughout by referencing a small selection of well-known novels, plays and poems.